Babies -
What effect does retained moulding have and how does Cranial Therapy help?
Some babies cope extremely well with even quite severe retained moulding and compression, and are content and happy. For others it is a different story, and they can display a variety of problems:
Crying, irritable baby
Crying, fractious, irritable baby, needs to be rocked to sleep. Prefers being carried.
The baby may be uncomfortable, with a constant feeling of pressure in the head. This is made worse by the extra pressure on the head when lying down.
Feeding difficulties
The baby takes a long time to feed and one feed merges into the next. He/she may be a ‘windy’ feeder.
Feeding is difficult and tiring due to mechanical stresses through the head, face and throat. The nerves to the tongue may be irritated as they exit from the skull, which makes sucking difficult.
Sickness, colic and wind
Regurgitation of milk between feeds, bouts of prolonged crying due to colic and wind, often worse in the evening.
The nerve to the stomach is irritated as it exits from the base of the skull, which impairs digestion. The diaphragm may be stressed or distorted, which further compromises both digestion and the ability of the stomach to retain its contents.
Sleep disturbances
The baby sleeps for only short periods, and may sleep little in the day (or night), wakes to the slightest noise.
The tension on the bony and membranous casing of the skull keeps the baby’s nervous system in a persistently alert state.
Crying, fractious, irritable baby, needs to be rocked to sleep. Prefers being carried.
The baby may be uncomfortable, with a constant feeling of pressure in the head. This is made worse by the extra pressure on the head when lying down.
Feeding difficulties
The baby takes a long time to feed and one feed merges into the next. He/she may be a ‘windy’ feeder.
Feeding is difficult and tiring due to mechanical stresses through the head, face and throat. The nerves to the tongue may be irritated as they exit from the skull, which makes sucking difficult.
Sickness, colic and wind
Regurgitation of milk between feeds, bouts of prolonged crying due to colic and wind, often worse in the evening.
The nerve to the stomach is irritated as it exits from the base of the skull, which impairs digestion. The diaphragm may be stressed or distorted, which further compromises both digestion and the ability of the stomach to retain its contents.
Sleep disturbances
The baby sleeps for only short periods, and may sleep little in the day (or night), wakes to the slightest noise.
The tension on the bony and membranous casing of the skull keeps the baby’s nervous system in a persistently alert state.